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Kolkata, West Bengal, India
A FLAPDOODLE ... A COPROLALOMANIAC ... A DOPPELGANGER ... a blog when written when deranged for a man to give one gyp and what a gyp with a gusto ... this blog a mistaken ladder furnishes its one carrying self-lagoon ... rotten blog holding a periapt to vomit to laugh and cry and shout and yell ... a preface to the birth of an ablazed moon ... all white all gay all blood all sand ...

Sunday, 27 January 2013


           “You are too old to be influenced by me.” --- Such was the audacious and candid opinion of a then-unknown James Joyce merely in his mid-twenties, to the already iconic mellow-aged contemporary literary titan W. B. Yeats. Such truths are eternal. And such truths do we too believe in. So we herald our readers as well as writers to --- Be Audacious ! Be Anomalous ! ! Be Reactionary ! ! ! When today’s reader-writer world has become entirely ‘of the mediocres, for the mediocres, by the mediocres’, where there are few cerebral readers, and even fewer cerebral authors; here, on our behalf, is the eponymous debut of this web-magazine, bruiting some authors and artists, who are tirelessly lyminalising the alternative paradigm shifts of counter-contemporaniety in their contrapuntal creations. This e-zine, with its neo-literature, fruitfully resonates better for those very few cerebral readers, as a balancedly blended synchronization of some peerless cerebra and their respective reflections --- an astounding compendium of the writers’ as well as of the readers’ minds, eventually culminating into such a cluster of polemics which exposes a race that is often guilty of being laden with the vain legacy of mythologizing mediocrity, and eulogizing them underrating the true literary prodigies. The gospel truth of history that we, the Bengalees, as a race, have failed to make our gamut of literary genii (namely --- Dhurjotiprasad Mukhopadhyay, Kamalkumar Majumder, Jagadish Gupta, Amiyabhushan Majumder, Manik Bandopadhyay, Satinath Bhaduri, Gopal Halder, Nareshchandra Sengupta, Ramesh Sen, Asim Ray, Sandipan Chattopadhyay, Subhash Ghosh, Subimal Misra et. al.) arrive at the home-shelves of the foreign readers, is a shame unpardonable. We, the Rebellare-Team, ourselves being Bengalees, have dared to betray the audacity here to raise erect an unforeseen era of creativity, invoking as well as defying simultaneously, the timeless aura of our unquestionably cerebral creative heritage of ‘alternative literature’, with our ‘wea-pen’, as a rebel army, in this regard, as if to atone for this sin of our clan. Hats off to us! All hats verily off to us!

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